Add Your Truck!

We love finding and helping promote new food Trucks. We help promote your new business in a variety of ways, from our “Directory of Trucks“, to the largest social media presence for food trucks in the upstate. @facebook, @Instagram, @TikTok  We post as many events as we can find our our website then send them out in a twice weekly email. All this starts for free! Let us know how we can help.

Ways to be featured on 864 Food Trucks.

We have three package options

  1.  The Appetizer
    • Basic listing in the Find a Food Truck directory.
      • Name, Logo, Picture of your truck,
      • Basic contact info, (socials, phone, email).
      • Short bio.
    • Your events will be added to the website as we see them.
    • You might be featured on our Social Media Channels.
    • You might be included in our twice weekly email newsletter.
  2. The Entree
    • Everything in The Appetizer Package.
    • Extra info included on your listing page.
      • Menu, hours of operation, etc.
    • Inclusion in our “Contact a Truck” form our guests use to find vendors for their events.
  3. The Feast
    • Everything in The Appetizer and Entree packages.
    • Guaranteed inclusion of at least one event included in one of the two weekly emails.

Let us know how we can help!